Have just ordered your book. I wasn’t on their mailing list, so got an additional 20% discount. Not bad for two new books that both promise to be great reading. 🙂

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So - Substack really is like they say a great marketing tool. Only been on here five months and already an extra sale! Thanks Julia, hope you enjoy.

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Well worth all those hours spent writing! 😂

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It was a very useful article

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Here in California, we're surrounded by John Muir stories, quotes and books, and yet everything in this article was new to me. Is your book still available?

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My book "Muir and More" should be available from Vertebrate Publishing in UK. But it doesn't say much about the 1000-mile walk to Florida. My immediate source is Muir's own 'The 1000 mile walk to the Gulf" which can be downloaded at Project Gutenberg and I think is also online at Sierra Club website. He's a fine writer, always worth reading - my friend in Athens GA was very interested in Muir's thoughts on the town!

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