Happy to see my local green patch: Walthamstow Wetlands made it here 😊 Will email a couple of Skye bivvy videos from last weekend. Beauty and misery.

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Lea isn't bad at all. Surprised to walk so far all off road and different return route by the canal. Thanks for Walthamstow Wetlands namecheck - I may do a post on walking in London soon.

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Nice tour - enjoyed it.

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The River Lea is not half bad! Hard to compare it to some of these views in Scotland, though... thanks for giving me some inspiration for my next trip north!

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No hills within easy reach of London? Look again! I used to live on one IN London that even has an ancient woodland on it… and fabulous views. (As long as your definition of ‘fabulous’ doesn’t require being able to see mountains!)

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I see the Lib Dems are pledging national park status for the "Surrey Hills". Which are probably on a bus route and do rise to a mighty almost-1000ft. But yes, I have achieved the "Brockley Three Peaks Challenge", and that Ingleborough, it just doesn't have the distant view of St Paul's.

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